Phishing is an email-based attack that pretends to be from a trusted source, including companies, government agencies, or other organizations. Phishers use social engineering techniques to trick people into providing their personal information such as passwords and credit card details.
Type of Attack in Cyber Security: The different types of attacks in cyber security remain malware, ransomware, and phishing invasions. Our team of Cyber Peace Foundation identifies these types of attacks in cyber security to protect people's data. Also, the term malware describes malicious software and encompasses various types of attacks, including spyware, viruses, and worms. Other types of attack incorporate man-in-the-middle attack, denial-of-service attack, DNS tunneling, and others.
We comprehend that cyber security strategy remains a high-level methodology to secure organisation assets during the coming three to five years of working. It becomes significant as technology has no consistency as change remains constant in this field.
Therefore, our professionals enhance their understanding of each cyber security strategy in proportion to market demands. With this in mind, we assure to maintain online peace through our incredible methods.
We provide a cyber security strategy that offers a clear, detailed plan that standardises security across an association. It has the most critical goal of achieving cyber resiliency allowing each company to remain unique. In addition, cyber security strategy consists of high-level plans for methods through which an organisation secures its assets and minimises cyber risk.
It identifies the advancing nature of cyber threats and devises ways to adapt to improve company or individual network security.
We at CyberPeace Foundation offer courses to people showing interest in learning cyber security. For this purpose, we have highly recognised institutes. So, we simplify each concept about cyber security for better understanding through our trained members on our campus.
Therefore, our team contribute to securing everyone’s data present in the online world. Thus, we promise to maintain online peace by training more individuals.
People of different ages show interest in learning cyber security that remains effective in ensuring online peace. Thus, our skilled members provide practical classes to these people with understandable lessons within a limited period. We improvise our teaching techniques that assist learners in comprehending each topic effortlessly.
Companies and individuals understand the need for cyber security to protect internet-connected systems such as hardware, software, and data from cyber-attacks. It reduces unauthorised exploitation, vulnerability, and threats to minimise cyber attacks against the system, network, and technologies.
Also, the need for cyber security has increased as it protects all categories of data from theft and damage that involve personally identifiable information (PII) and others.