Callaghan Pumps and Controls, Inc. is one of the most renowned names when it comes to Water Pump Sales , HVAC Sales , Fire Pump Sales and Booster Pump Sales in NYC. Every line of pumps that we offer is More
In New York City, variable speed domestic water booster systems are not only ideal to have but they are now part of the electrical code in order to save electricity.
Various domestic water booster systems have been installed in well over 2000 locations throughout New York City, New Jersey, Long Island, and Connecticut by Callaghan Pump. Have a look at our projects!
Aurora’s line of stainless steel stackable pumps are ideal for high pressure applications which require a minimum amount of floor space. The vertical design is ideal for both new and existing applications. All the pumps’ hydraulic components are of 304 stainless steel.
Domestic water pressure booster systems are a Callaghan Pump and Control speciality for 15 years. The company has sold these systems to high and low rises, and warehouses.
If you want service, experience, competence, reliability, and quality products, then Callaghan Pump and Controls is the answer for all of your pumping needs. Callaghan Pump and Controls has been serving the greater New York Metropolitan area for over 14 years.
Callaghan Pump and Controls has been serving the greater New York Metropolitan area for over 14 years. Featured projects to which we have supplied pumps include the world’s largest package fire pump system (located at JFK), all of the pumps that kept the Lincoln Tunnel dry and open during Super Storm Sandy, and supplied pumps for the Brookhaven National Laboratory’s Ion Collider.