Splatt Lawyers Cairns

Cairns Personal Injury Legal Services

  • 36 Abbott St, Cairns City QLD 4870
Splatt Lawyers Cairns is a local Far North Queensland personal injury law firm that provides informed legal advice for compensation claims.
compensation law
personal injury law
compensation claims
accident claims
work accidents
car accidents
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  • 36 Abbott St, Cairns City
    Cairns, Queensland 4870, AUSTRALIA
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    8:30 am - 5:00 pm
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When you have suffered an injury in an unforeseen accident that was not your fault, you can claim damages for your loss.
The Cairns legal team at Splatt Lawyers has over three decades of experience pursuing justice for injured Queenslanders. A QLS Accredited Personal Injury Specialist, Kerry Splatt, the firm’s principal, guides their local team.
On a 100% no win, no fee basis, we have assisted thousands of clients their personal insurance benefits for over 30 years. Please call for your free claim review if you or a loved one has experienced physical harm, illness, or psychological injury. Our experienced North Queensland team will advise on your legal right to seek damages for a loss that wasn't your fault.
Added on 14 June 2023
Guide for what to do after a work injury Knowing the correct steps to take when you are injured at work will be the difference between successfully claiming compensation and receiving less or a denied claim.