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Added on 14 January 2022

Why Hire a Digital Advisor for CDAP - Canadian Digital Adoption Program?

14 January 2022

What is CDAP?

Canadian Digital Adoption Program (CDAP) is a federal government funding program announced in 2021 to assist small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) to digitally transform their businesses. It’s a program that intends to accelerate digital adoption all across Canada. Canadian SMEs can receive up to CAD $15,000 grants and up to CAD $100,000 loans to create and implement a digital plan that can help them in their digital transformation and accomplish their business goals in 2022.

Why do SMEs need a Digital Advisor to implement CDAP effectively?

CDAP is a resource for Canadians who want to use digital technologies to improve their businesses. The program provides Canadians with personalized, one-on-one consultations and training sessions to help them access and use the technology that best suits their needs. These consultations and sessions can only be carried out with the help of professionals.

The goal of a CDAP Digital Advisor is to provide eligible SMEs with the skills and knowledge necessary to make full use of digital technologies in order to improve their businesses. With their help, they will get access to the necessary tools and training to help them adopt digital technologies in their workplace. The Digital Advisors will offer personalized assistance and training to every eligible Canadian SME that wishes to adopt digital technologies. Hiring a professional digital

agency will help in executing the following:

  • How to apply for CDAP
  • Identify which digital technologies are needed in the workplace and how to use them
  • Any technical assistance required

A CDAP approved digital advisor will provide advice on how to enact CDAP funds appropriately in managing digital transformation including topics of digital strategy, technology adoption, service design & SEO services. They will deal with all aspects of this program including strategizing, implementing, and managing projects within a time frame that suits their organization's needs.

There are many benefits to having a Digital Advisor. Some of these benefits are:

  • They can help establish the business’ goals
  • They can help identify pain points and challenges that can be remedied with digital adoption
  • They can ensure that the tools adopted are working efficiently
  • They can make sure that the goals of CDAP are aligned with the goals of the organization

Hiring a Digital Advisor for CDAP is actually cost-effective

With CDAP, it is very important that people are educated on how to properly create their budgets and manage their finances during their digital transformation. This is where the digital advisors come in. With these digital advisors, people will not have to worry about creating their budgets, they can just ask for help when they need it. Digital advisers will work with organizations to envision, plan, execute, measure, and scale their digital transformations. They will also provide the tools needed for this process such as how to select cost-effective technologies that can improve their business.

CDAP Digital Advisors offer targeted consultations focused on the needs of an organization and the specific business goals, such as reducing costs or increasing sales. With a digital advisor for CDAP, a business will be able to generate a budget plan that is tailor-fit to the needs of the company. For many organizations, hiring a full-time employee or a digital consultant can be cost-prohibitive, but hiring a CDAP Digital Advisor costs less than approximately $2,000 per year. These advisors will be trained to provide personalized information on how SMEs can access digital services, SEO Services and programs under CDAP effectively. The CDAP Digital Advisor will work with the dedicated team to create a plan for the adoption of digital technologies, and be able to answer questions about CDAP. Therefore, hiring a correct digital advisor is critical to Canadian SMEs as it will provide them with a competitive edge against competitors.

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