40 Ideas to Shake Up Your Hiring Processhbr.org
Many companies today are struggling to hire and retain talent, but more often than not the problem is self-inflicted: They’re simply not using a broad enough array of tools, sometimes because they don’t even know the tools exist. In this article, the authors list 40 tools — some familiar but underutilized, others unfamiliar and innovative — that can help companies find and keep the people they need to succeed in both the short-term and the long-term. .... read more
The Top 5 Benefits of a CRM for Manufacturing Companies
The manufacturing sector has become increasingly customer-focused in recent years, a CRM is an indispensable tool for manufacturers looking to improve efficiency, increase sales, and delight their clientele.
The Burden of Plastic Money
Credit cards: We all have them. And if we have them, that means we use them. This handy plastic money we can use everywhere to pay for anything in an instant is terrific! But, all that convenience does come with a price.
How Much Does a Credit Card Machine Cost?
Card machines are an efficient and effective way to accept payments in any business setting. Not only do they make transactions simple, but they also increase customer satisfaction by cutting down on time spent on payment processing.
Top Five Best Tax Software in 2024
Tax season can be extremely stressful, but that can be changed if use the right software, The right tax software will make tax filing easier and hassle-free.