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    Added on 21 September 2021

    How to Build Customer Trust: 5 Essential Components

    21 September 2021

    How to gain customer trust? Not so long ago, it was thought that the best way to do this was through advertising. Moreover, the more it is, the better. After all, if a company has money to promote its goods, then it can be trusted. However, over time, the situation has changed.

    Many people have stopped taking assurances from companies that their products are the best at face value. Moreover, overly aggressive marketing today is more a minus than a plus. In the first place comes such a concept as customer focus. And only those companies that have managed to win the trust of buyers in one way or another can count on a solid profit.

    5 essential components of trust

    1. Buyer's trust on the website

    The 21st century is the age of digital technologies, and every more or less significant company has its own web resource. Otherwise, clients perceive the company as just another one-day organisation. However, it is impossible to create a site, guided by the principle: "let it be." Do not forget that thanks to the Internet resource, potential customers form an impression about the work of the company. Therefore, it is necessary to think well and correctly develop all aspects. This applies not only to design and usability, but also to information published on the network about the company's activities.

    2. Customer confidence in the product/service

    What do Apple, Toyota and Dior have in common other than worldwide recognition? What contributed to this popularity? Of course, the quality of their products. People are ready to purchase goods for a lot of money, as they are confident that they will be provided with the highest quality products. Therefore, you should only offer the best products and services to your customers. Do not waste your time on trifles just to earn something. Once you disappoint a client, his family members, friends, colleagues will surely find out about this, who will share information in their social circle - and that's it, your reputation is spoiled. Word of mouth spreads at lightning speed (thanks to the internet!).

    3. Customer confidence in the brand

    All your actions should reflect the essence and values of the company. Be consistent and original, find that “zest” that only your brand will have - and the client will definitely remember you. Make sure to hire a good creative branding agency that will make sure your branding is on top.

    When declaring yourself as a modern and active company, do not forget to systematically publish posts in all media available to you: in blogs (your own and others'), on social networks and on forums. Take part in seminars, conferences and discussions, communicate with various media. In other words, in order for a potential client to pay attention to you, you must at least inform them about your existence.

    4. Buyer's trust in social media activity

    Is your company not on any social network? This means that you are "late" in the last century. Social media is an inexhaustible source of information and a great way to communicate with potential customers. Moreover, this is a great opportunity to learn about the needs of the target audience from the primary source, that is, directly from its representatives. Don't miss your chance!

    All marketing channels require honesty, and social media is no exception. No need to declare that it has nothing to do with you. All the secrets will definitely become clear! Therefore, there is no benefit in artificially generated popularity and purchased likes. Another prerequisite for building trust is efficiency. Try to respond to comments and answer questions from subscribers as soon as possible, so people don't waste time waiting. And the last thing - regularly update your content, publish posts, in general, do not let users get bored.

    5. Buyer's confidence in the company's reputation

    Do not do what you might be ashamed of later. Do not work with companies about which there is a "bad" word - this will seriously damage your image. Do not make vain promises, use all your resources to confirm words with deeds. It is very easy to “tarnish” your reputation. Sometimes it is enough to make a seemingly small mistake, and it will turn out to be stained, and it is almost impossible to remove these stains. Decency, openness and honesty - these are the words the company should be guided by if it wants to achieve success.

    Aggressive Marketing and Buyer Trust

    Most people are displeased with sellers, who almost at the door of the store pounce on them with an offer to help, and then follow the buyers everywhere, periodically imposing something on them. The same applies to salespeople who use a similar style of communication with potential customers. By acting in this way, it is impossible to inspire the confidence of the buyer.

    People do not like when something is imposed on them, and they resist it. Therefore, there is no need to convince the client that he needs “this particular product”. Give the buyer the opportunity to take the initiative and convince you that they are right.

    If the consumer really understands what he needs and can give arguments confirming his competence, then he will be pleased to see a seller in front of him who respects his opinion. The client will feel more comfortable, and the seller will establish contact and arouse the buyer's confidence. After that, something can be advised, recommended, discussed and prepared to complete the deal, which is likely to take place.

    Aggressive marketing is not considered an effective way to persuade a customer to buy today. Maybe it is suitable for large events aimed at introducing goods and services, but in the field of sales, it is very important to focus on a specific customer who can trust the store employee.


    A company can only gain customer confidence if its business strategy is customer-centric. But just building trust isn't everything. It is much more difficult to keep it. Some companies, having achieved recognition of their target audience, can afford to relax, naively believing that their customers will stay with them forever. How wrong they are! We must constantly work to meet the declared high level.

    Mike is an Australian business consulting specialist. He’s working with companies that outsource their IT maintenance. He often writes about technology, business, and marketing and is a regular contributor on several websites.

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