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  • Influencer Marketing Agency
  • Delhi
Added on 11 March 2019

Metrics to Measure the ROI of your Influencer Marketing Campaign

11 March 2019

Influencer marketing has emerged to be one of the most popular marketing methods and has helped brands generate leads and gain conversions through their marketing efforts. Brands have hired the best influencer marketing companies in Delhi, they have collaborated with some popular influencers, and they have been successful in generating a significant ROI for themselves. But have you ever wondered how that ROI is measured?

When we talk about measuring the returns obtained from a successful marketing campaign, there need to be some pre-defined KPI’s (Key Performance Indicators). These indicators are what marketers need to effectively measure the returns obtained from their campaigns. If you have recently launched a campaign, use the following metrics to measure its progress:

#1: REACH 

In the world of influencer marketing, the word ‘reach’ holds a huge significance. It denotes the number of people to whom your content is visible. Most companies, while launching an influencer marketing campaign operate with the objective to have the maximum people see their content and visit their website. 

Tip: In order to gain the maximum reach from your campaign, target influencers who have a large follower base.


The term ‘engagement’ in influencer marketing refers to a combination of likes, shares, and comments. While likes and comments add value to the content posted by the influencer who is running your campaign, shares are the most important components that drive the maximum engagement. The shares reveal that the audiences are taking some action after looking at the post.

Tip: There are a lot of influencer marketing software that you can use to measure the engagement of your campaign in a detailed manner, and thus track your ROI.


Impressions refer to the frequency with which the people see your content. It is a more reliable and effective metric than reach, as it denotes the number of people who are actually interested in what content is being posted by the influencers that they follow.

Tip: To calculate your ROI, compare the impressions on other posts by your influencers. This will help you determine the influence level of the person that you have collaborated with.


Remember the Call-To-Action that you told your influencer to add at the end of the post? Yes, the number of people who respond to those CTAs determine your conversion rates. Sales being one of your major objectives; conversions take you a step closer.

Tip: Always put a CTA at the end of your content for the readers to take some action.


With the aforementioned metrics, you can easily track your campaigns, and whatever results you derive will help you know as to what all went well, and what all you need to work on. Influencer marketing is something that not every marketer can nail in the first go. So if you are launching a campaign for the first time, we recommend that you take professional help. There are a lot of influencer marketing companies in India that you can choose from, to make your campaign a huge success.


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