Boycott Zimbabwe

    Join thousands of people worldwide to bring an end to senseless trophy hunting in Zimbabwe.
    • Stop Killing Animals

    Boycott Zimbabwe

    Join thousands of people worldwide to bring an end to senseless trophy hunting in Zimbabwe.
    • Stop Killing Animals
    Join thousands of people worldwide to bring an end to senseless trophy hunting in Zimbabwe.
    • Stop Killing Animals
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    Added on 29 November 2017
    Claims that trophy hunting supports conservation are unproven with some studies showing less than 3% of fees collected go to conservation efforts. Particularly in Zimbabwe, a corrupt and failing state, safari and hunting license fees are collected and retained by corrupt government officials – and very few if any monies go to help wild animals. Ranchers, land owners, guides, as well as government officials all profit from the practice, not the animals nor the destitute locals.
    Do boycotts work? Yes, if applied strategically and with force.''

    What to boycott? Zimbabwe exports very little, mainly commodity products which consumers would have little effect disrupting. That leaves internal Zimbabwean products, like tourism, safaris (whether photographic or hunting) business conventions, exhibitions, etc. Please see our list of links pages for more information. The death of Cecil the Lion caused a noted decline in tourist arrivals, sending a small but ignored message to Zimbabwean officials – let’s send a major message that cannot be ignored.


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    Claims that trophy hunting supports conservation are unproven with some studies showing less than 3% of fees collected go to conservation efforts. Particularly in Zimbabwe, a corrupt and failing state, More
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