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    Added on 09 May 2019

    Benefits of Solar Power

    09 May 2019

    For most residential users, power grid is the most convenient source of electricity. It seems like a huge power shortage or outage is still in the distant future. However, the increasing worry about the exhaustion of fossil fuels is drawing authorities all over the world to exploit renewable energy sources. As solar energy is the most commercialized among other renewable energy, it is necessary to know how you, as a residential end-user, can benefit from solar power.

    Low-cost production

    Solar power is a proven commercial energy source. Among other renewable resources such as wind, hydro, biomass, bio fuel, and geothermal power, solar power the only clean energy that is able to generate a large market scale including residential users. Due to the advancement in solar energy technology and the consistent improvement of financing approaches, solar energy project implementation is steadily reducing. Solar MC4 Cable Connectors

    Infinite energy source

    Depletion of fossil fuels is an unvarying threat to energy security. Fossil fuels are non-renewable energy sources and its exhaustion is inevitable, which means power supply shortages all over the world. On the other hand, renewable energy like solar, wind, and geothermal power are able to generate electricity without depleting natural resources. These natural energies are infinite sources of energy. If installed and utilized properly and strategically, renewable energy can supply the whole world with clean electricity.

    Earth friendly

    Solar energy, like all green energy, produces relatively small amounts of greenhouse gases or GHG, one of the major factors to the thinning of the ozone layer. It reduces the carbon footprint in all sectors. The utilization of alternative energy also promotes the production of low carbon technology products such as LED-powered lights, low-carbon appliances, and hybrid cars. More energy efficient storage and solar panels are being developed to improve the viability of alternative energy. Solar Junction Box

    Modification of electricity usage

    Solar power systems are not only able to generate and supply power to residential users; it also allows end-users to modify their electricity usage. This is made possible by a two-way smart grid system between the main power supplier and the consumer. When your solar power system generates excess energy, the power meter turns backwards. A synchronous inverter is necessary, as it will be the one to match the incoming main supply. When such favorable conditions occur, your electricity supplier pays you back for the excess energy generated by the solar power system. Alternative energy is by nature unpredictable as the amount of generated energy greatly depends on weather conditions.

    Low maintenance and operating cost

    The ideal set-up requires it to have optimum sunlight exposure during the day, and if this is achieved, then expect consistent energy generation on ideal weather conditions. However, proper operating and maintenance must be done periodically to ensure optimum collection of sunlight.

    PV panels, if installed properly and strategically, are virtually maintenance free. Basic maintenance of solar panels includes keeping the solar panel array clean and free of debris. Washing the PV panels is also recommended especially if you live in a particularly dusty region. Use non-abrasive cleaners and wash cloth to avoid scratching the panels. A garden hose can be use to rinse the panels. Surge Protection Devices for PV Installations

    Life expectancy

    Aside from its self-sufficiency, solar panels have an average of 20 or more years of operational life. With recent developments of materials used in building PV panels, the life expectancy and viability of solar panels is expected to improve in the coming years.

    Solar Lighting

    Indoor solar lighting is possible via a system that collects and distributes sunlight for indoor illumination. Outdoor solar lighting is composed of simple solar power system where the lights are continuously being charged through the day and discharge at night by illuminating walkways. Lighting takes up a lot of energy and is consequently quite expensive wherein Solar Lights has really become a very viable and affordable green option. Today in fact Solar Lights are the rage with hundreds of products and different varieties being marketed. Solar lighting is now employed inside the home and even outside it including the roof and the garden! Even commercial premises are today being fitted with solar a lighting system which is paying rich dividends not only in saving cost but also helping reduce the carbon footprint which is greatly enhanced by conventional power usage.


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