Blueprints for Recovery

  • Prescott, AZ
With a long-term, hands-on approach to addiction treatment, Blueprints for Recovery is a well-recognized drug and alcohol treatment center in Arizona.
  • Treating Addiction with Dignity, Integrity & Adventure
  • Prescott, AZ

Blueprints for Recovery

With a long-term, hands-on approach to addiction treatment, Blueprints for Recovery is a well-recognized drug and alcohol treatment center in Arizona.
  • Treating Addiction with Dignity, Integrity & Adventure
  • Prescott, AZ
With a long-term, hands-on approach to addiction treatment, Blueprints for Recovery is a well-recognized drug and alcohol treatment center in Arizona.
  • Treating Addiction with Dignity, Integrity & Adventure
  • Prescott, AZ
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Added on 24 April 2019
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At Blueprints for Recovery, addiction treatment is treated as an adventure— one that the staff helps patients get excited about. Blueprints is a long-term drug and alcohol treatment facility in Arizona More
Added on 15 May 2019
Are you struggling with addiction to Percocet? You can find the strength and support you need for long-term recovery at Blueprints for Recovery.


Added on 01 May 2019
If you are struggling with addiction to opiates or opioids, Blueprints can help you get your life back on track. Call us at (888) 744-9969!

Added on 15 May 2019
If addiction to Oxy is taking over your life and ruining your relationships, it's time to get help! Blueprints for Recovery utilizes traditional therapies and outdoor adventure to create a supportive and relaxed environment for young men to obtain long-lasting recovery.


Added on 01 May 2019
Many prescription medications contain opiates and benzos that can be more addiction than illicit drugs. If you are struggling with prescription drug addiction, it's not your fault. Come to Blueprints for Recovery for effective drug rehab for young men in Arizona. -- https://www.blueprintsforrecovery.com/treatments/prescription-drug-addiction/

Added on 01 May 2019
Blueprints for Recovery can help you safely detox and rehabilitate from marijuana addiction. Call now - (888) 744-9969!


Added on 24 April 2019
Drug Rehab in Arizona | Drug Rehab Center in Prescott, Arizona blueprintsforrecovery.com Blueprints for Recovery provides effective and compassionate Arizona drug rehab treatment programs to those struggling with addiction. Call today to learn more....

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