Ligaments (Knee Ligament Surgery) are elastic tough bands of fibrous tissue that connect bones and provide stability and strength to the joint. A flexible band of tough fibrous connective tissues connects two bones or cartilages to strengthen the joints. For more details, or call us at 96627 36666.
Dr. Bharath is one of the leading orthopaedic surgeons in Chennai and the founder of Bharath Ortho Hospital in Chennai. Dr. Bharath specializes in Knee & Hip surgery (Bharath Orthopaedics) includes primary, More
Tips for Knee Pain Relief
Knee pain is common and is not always a sign of anything serious. It can be due to many possible causes which include simple muscle strain, arthritis, or tendonitis. At Bharath orthopedics, we provide the top 8 Tips for knee pain relief for reducing knee pain in our patients. Mostly it can be knee pain that can be treated at home where you can get instant relief after a few days. Knee pain is prone to occur among aged persons, people with obesity, or sometimes it can occur on any sports activity or other injury. For more details, or call us at 96627 36666.
Dr. L. Bharath is the best knee replacement surgeon in Chennai. He individualizes in Knee & Hip surgery which includes primary, complex & revision joint replacements, sport injuries & arthroscopic (keyhole) procedures. He has performed exceeding 8000 surgeries in India on advancing himself on procedures and operations, specifically, the Joint replacement surgery. For consultation, visit or contact us 96627 36666.
Best Orthopaedic Doctors in Chennai
Dr. L. Bharath is listed among the best Orthopaedic Doctors in Chennai. He specializes in Knee & Hip surgery including primary, complex & revision (previously failed) joint replacements, sports injuries & arthroscopic (keyhole) procedures.
Dr. L Bharath has performed 8000 surgeries and stands out as among the best orthopaedic surgeons in India with his extensive focus on upgrading himself on procedures and operations, in particular, the Joint replacement surgery. For more details visit or call us at 96627 36666.
Dr. L. Bharath is listed among the best Orthopaedic Doctors in Chennai. He specializes in Knee & Hip surgery including primary, complex & revision (previously failed) joint replacements, sports injuries & arthroscopic (keyhole) procedures.
Dr. L Bharath has performed 8000 surgeries and stands out as among the best orthopaedic surgeons in India with his extensive focus on upgrading himself on procedures and operations, in particular, the Joint replacement surgery. For more details visit or call us at 96627 36666.
Knee Replacement Surgery in Chennai
Knee replacements are also known as knee arthroplasty. They are surgeries that are usually performed when the person suffers from a particular medical condition called arthritis, or it can also be due to reasons like cartilage defects, ligament tear and major fractures in the area that call for the replacement. It is a procedure to improve or partially and fully remove the surfaces of the knee that reduces the pain, removes inability, and creates durability for the knee in movement and flexibility. For more details visit or call us at 96627 36666.
The knee is the largest joint in the human body which supports the movement of legs and is very much essential to perform day-to-day activities. The routine activities can be affected due to the injury or damage to the knee causing severe pain or impaired function which paves a way for knee replacement. One such procedure is the fast track knee replacement Surgery. This procedure is performed only in a few centres that follow this surgery with experts as it is a sophisticated procedure. The fast-track knee replacement is also referred to as daycare total knee replacement. It is a new revolutionary minimally invasive technique that can be completed within an hour duration with reduced chances of infection. For more details visit or call us at 96627 36666.