Buying a home can be a bit overwhelming. There’s so much to think about and do. So, it’s important that you have someone you can trust to make the process as smooth as possible and offer expert advice. Since 1913, Royal LePage has been helping Canadians find their dream homes and guiding them every step of the way – from determining what you can afford and showing you homes that match your wants and needs to presenting an offer and closing the sale. It’s all about helping you find the right home in the right neighbourhood at the best possible price. Below, you’ll find it all outlined in eight simple steps. #Courtier_immobilier_griffintown #Meilleur_courtier_Griffintown
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A home is simply more than a shelter with a roof and walls. A range of thoughts and emotions. However, not everyone has a dream home. Several citizens in Montreal choose a rental house for accommodation. Some of us claim that a home is a symbol of accomplishment and status. But, others prefer settling in a rental house. Apparently, owning a home is a good choice. Still, it is essential to know why you should buy a house instead of renting accommodation. You can also make a decision by consulting Behrooz Davani, one of the best realtors in Montreal. #Courtier_immobilier_griffintown #Meilleur_courtier_Griffintown
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Behrooz Davani is a Top Realtor in Montreal. Offers real estate agent services and guidance to buyers and sellers at the best market value. His mission is to become an added value for his customers while assisting them with competence, integrity and empathy. #Courtier_immobilier_griffintown #Meilleur_courtier_Griffintown
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La vente ou l’achat d’une propriété est un événement majeur. Raison de plus de faire affaire avec un professionnel qui vous offre des protections accrues à toutes les étapes de la transaction immobilière. Au Québec, la pratique du courtage est réglementée. Tous les courtiers immobiliers sont soumis à la Loi sur le courtage immobilier. Similaire à la Loi sur la protection du consommateur, cette loi prévoit des mécanismes qui protègent l’acheteur ou le vendeur au cœur d’une transaction immobilière avec un courtier immobilier. Elle s’applique aux personnes ou aux sociétés qui se livrent à une opération de courtage. #Courtier_immobilier_griffintown #Meilleur_courtier_Griffintown
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