Most of the teachers now-a-days stresses over homework, making sure that the students are into constant practice.
    • Homework : What should be standard practice


    Most of the teachers now-a-days stresses over homework, making sure that the students are into constant practice.
    • Homework : What should be standard practice
    Most of the teachers now-a-days stresses over homework, making sure that the students are into constant practice.
    • Homework : What should be standard practice
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    Added on 09 April 2019

    Practicing mindfulness could help a child build self-awareness

    09 April 2019

    Mindfulness is the practice of focusing all your attention at the present moment. Several studies suggest that kids who practice mindfulness tend to develop positive traits such as increased self-control, better attentiveness in class, and more empathy and respect for others. BDM International firmly believes that students must make the habit of practising mindfulness activities by doing yoga or exercising because these methods help to reduce tensions and anxiety.

    Why should it be practised?

    1. It reduces your habit of overthinking - Practicing various activities of mindfulness like yoga or exercising your body calms down the mind. Reducing your tensions in studies or personal life.

    2. It reduces your stress- It avoids the habit of cumulating your stress in studies and other co-curricular activities.

    3. It improves your memory and concentration - While it reduces your tensions and stress levels, in return it improves the attention level during class hours. Building your concentration and improves the functioning of the brain.

    4. It helps in banishing your negative feelings- It helps in building a positive attitude thus making you be an optimist. It also makes you understand where the mistakes have been made as well as making you forgive and forget the argument with your friends.

    5. It reduces your anxiety - It makes your brain to be attentive during class hours. Removing the negative and worrying thoughts from your mind. Practicing mindfulness activities makes you learn to recognize the thoughts for what they are and just let them go.

    6. It improves your sleep - Sleep is important for your brain because it gives rest after the whole day work. Practising mindfulness activities reduces your sleep disorder as well as other issues like depression, worries.

    How should it be practised?

    1. Do a breathing exercise - Practice doing a proper breathing exercise. Find a seat where you feel that it is a calm and quiet place. Sit in a yoga posture and start breathing properly every second. While doing this avoid thinking about what is to be done and relax.

    2. Do a nature walk daily - Dedicate some time for a nature walk daily. Visit your nearby park and walk with your friends or family members. Talk to them about your interests and take advice from them when they reply back to your words. Understand what they are saying and see how to make use of it.

    3.  Don't think about the past - Avoid thinking about the mistake done in the past by making a conscious effort to focus on the present situation and take time to find out the solution to solve the issue. Practice methods like meditation, yoga or classical dance activities daily so that you can make your mind work in a proper manner.

    With all these ideas and methods provided to you, we would like you to practice these mindfulness activities so as to improve your daily habits. To know more about our various co-curricular activities visit us at www.bdmi.org

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    Homework : What should be standard practice

    Most of the teachers now-a-days stresses over homework, making sure that the students are into constant practice. Yet there’s a debate over what should be the setting or how it should be.
    Teachers find it tough while teaching both primary and secondary students, and regularly finding themselves drawn into the argument on the reasoning behind it – parents, and sometimes colleagues, questioning its validity.

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