Daniel Barrera

Injured? You need the Alexandria accident attorney at The Barrera Law Firm, PLLC to take on your case. 30+ years of experience. We speak Spanish!
  • Alexandria, VA Accident Attorney | The Barrera Law Firm
Injured? You need the Alexandria accident attorney at The Barrera Law Firm, PLLC to take on your case. 30+ years of experience. We speak Spanish!
  • Alexandria, VA Accident Attorney | The Barrera Law Firm
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  • Alexandria,


Injured? You need the Alexandria accident attorney at The Barrera Law Firm, PLLC to take on your case. 30+ years of experience. We speak Spanish!


personal injury law
workers' compensation
wrongful death
auto accidents
bicycle accidents
brain injury
spinal cord injury
construction accidents
product liabilty


Our team is currently providing a 10% discount on attorney fees during the Coronavirus pandemic.

Website Trust Checkerbarreralawfirm.com

Trust Score

0 / 100