Ankita Sharma

I am a digital marketing executive in Audacious
  • Dogotal marketing
I am a digital marketing executive in Audacious
  • Dogotal marketing
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With worldwide reach, Audacious System Design (ASD) offers services in the IT industries. We provide cloud computing, Mobile computing, Application outsourcing, KPO, Quality assurance and technical support. More


Added on 07 July 2018
How to Reduce your high website Bounce rate webdevelopment223495846.wordpress.com When it comes to measuring digital marketing efforts bounce rate can be one of the more mysterious metrics. Now here is few way how to reduce high website bounc...

Added on 06 July 2018
With Audience Targeting How to Create the Perfect ad medium.com It is a challenge to reach specific types of consumers throughout the purchase journeys but here it shows by using the right targeting…...

Added on 05 July 2018
WikiGenes - Collaborative Publishing wikigenes.org The world's first wiki where authorship really matters. Due credit and reputation for authors [authorship tracking technology]. Imagine a global collaborative k...

Added on 04 July 2018
The Best Internet Marketing Strategy webdevelopment223495846.wordpress.com Now a day digital marketing becomes very important for a company. To improve your digital marketing efforts you need to do following things. Need to use right w...

Added on 03 July 2018
The Latest Facebook Marketing Strategy of 2018 by Ankita Sharma imfaceplate.com To be very frank Facebook is not slowing down. The strategy you are making for marketing on Facebook should be unique. You can reach so many customers on Facebo...

Added on 02 July 2018
Now create a Free Live Blog Using Twitter webdevelopment223495846.wordpress.com If you can create your own live blog service using Twitter then there is no need to subscribe to a live blog service. Twitter is a great option if you want to c...

Added on 30 June 2018
The Best to Way Create a Perfect Twitter Marketing strategy - Giikers giikers.com Now here are the few activities that is good for you to make thousands to millions of impressions, likes, links and many more.Before you start any activity you ...

Added on 29 June 2018
The benefits of Branding in the Digital Age webdevelopment223495846.wordpress.com Your product and service is not your branding instead it is about you and your team and how you connect with your audience. Now what branding: Difference betwee...