
Atoll Tours, with its skilled and experienced staff wishes to serve you or your clients in Istanbul and all Aegean/Mediterrean shores. We have good conditions
  • Atoll Tourism Istanbul
Atoll Tours, with its skilled and experienced staff wishes to serve you or your clients in Istanbul and all Aegean/Mediterrean shores. We have good conditions
  • Atoll Tourism Istanbul
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Website Trust Checkeratolltourism.com

Trust Score

0 / 100
Added on 31 January 2017
Our experienced staff provide a through service starting at Airport and will look after you and your guests right until their departure. All staff members are fluent in English and German. We work with 2-3-4-5 Star hotels and offer competitive prices

Added on 31 January 2017
We say hello to you from one of the most beautiful ancient city in the world.
We have a good cooperations with big firms, factories. We are giving them package tour prices for promotion, encouragement and presents (gift). We are calling or visiting all day new companies and giving/sending Collabo-ration letters for incentives. For incentives we have good contacts with strange countries/tour operators, for example; Thailand-Singapore-Russia-Greece-Hungaria and Romania etc.