Ashish Arora

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Hi I'm Ashish Arora, fond of blogging for health, relationships etc.
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Ashish Arora

Hi I'm Ashish Arora, fond of blogging for health, relationships etc.
  • India
Hi I'm Ashish Arora, fond of blogging for health, relationships etc.
  • India
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Added on 17 September 2020

Why people are more interested in sex toys even amid COVID-19 crisis?

17 September 2020

The year 2020 has been a ride full of unprecedented and severe incidents and challenges. With each passing day, the year has decided to put us off balance by throwing some different sort of a challenge. The most worrying of all these challenges has been that of COVID-19 or what is popularly known as the coronavirus disease. It is against this backdrop, that human beings all across the world have continued to face adverse situations.

The going has been really tough this year. Therefore, the world has turned its face and perspective towards something less stressful and worrying. Thus we witnessed an interesting phenomenon taking place while the world is still battling with the dreadful pandemic.

Our recent trends and various other recent studies depict the fact that the world full of human beings has been increasingly pursuing their sexual needs and desires with the help of sex toys. While we try and explore the main cause for the same, we could not really put it down to a single variable. Moreover, really indicating a single cause for the recent spike in the demand for sex toys and other sorts of adult products would have been an apt way of putting it, considering the gloomy backdrop.

Therefore, we have enlisted some of the causes of the recent surge in demand for authentic and effective sex toys around the world. We would really appreciate if you could go through the same in order to contribute to the world with your informed sense of knowledge.

The satisfaction of physiological needs of sex, hunger and security remain one of the consistent causes for the increased interest in buying sex toys and other sorts of adult products during the terrible virus driven pandemic. Pandemic or no pandemic, the satisfaction of natural or basic human needs calls for the use of sex toys to deal with one’s sexual urges.  

In another interesting observation, we found that a lot of individuals have their partners locked down in a different part of the country/world. Yes, this is real. Rather, it has been one of the most decisive factors if you were to look behind the cause for the upward trajectory of sales regarding sex toys and adult products across the globe. It is by using these sex toys and adult products that couples all across the globe have been fulfilling their basic need of being around the one they cherish the most. This has indeed helped the cause of more than millions of couples who have ended up seeing each other via digital platforms like Zoom, Skype, Google Meet.

It would not be inappropriate to state that calming effect one experiences while using sex toys and other sorts of adult products is unmatched. In simpler words, it distracts you from what has been a disastrous year for humankind. This really one escape the harsh realities of what we as a world have been truly facing of late. So, yes, the world has found a sense of escapism in the use of sex toys and adult products. This clearly justifies the recent spike in the numbers associated with sex toys.

This is indeed a massive factor to look at. With the lockdown being imposed in most of the countries throughout the world, the financial burden has undeniably increased. This has further led to a lot of unsought financial and mental stress. Therefore, you can pretty much explain the rise in the use of sex toys and adult products through the same.

Using sex toys and other adult products while getting laid with your partner, only if you are fortunate enough to have one around you -  offers an effective solution to get rid of unwanted anxiety. Yes, unsought anxiety has been effectively tackled by a lot of individuals by putting these lovely sex toys and adult products to use.

Using sex toys in the night also keeps one concentrated at work while a lot of people continue to discharge their Work From Home professional duties. Moreover, the fact that you cannot really interact with a lot of people around you due to the prevailing circumstances has pushed people to self explore themselves. And there isn’t really a better to explore yourself other than understanding your own sexual needs and desires. Therefore, it has also chipped in with its share of contribution.

The urge to feel remains one of the most significant reasons which must have positively contributed to the tremendous increase in the number of people who have been or want to use sex toys. Therefore, all these factors in tandem have contributed to the unprecedented spike in the demand and sales of authentic and really amazing sex toys across the world.

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