Benefit : Replenishes the skin of its natural extracts.
Action : Aryanveda Fruit Pack helps cleanses the pores, tightens and rejuvenates the skin, activates circulation thus giving the skin a youthful and vibrant glow.
How to Use : Wash your face with Aryanveda face wash & pat it dry. Apply a thick layer of Fruit Pack all over your face (avoiding eyes) and leave on 10-15 minutes for optimum results. Rinse off with abundant clear water.
Benefit : Absolute protection for skin from harmful sun rays.
Action : Aryanveda Sunscreen Cream SPF 20 is naturally rich in polyphenols and photorecepts that protect skin from harmful UVA & UVB rays of the sun. It further acts as a genuine natural photoreceptor shield by quenching photo induced free radicals.
Acne’the word itself send shivers. These blotchy red scars really force you hide your face and gradually you shun yourself away from the festivities of life. Acne normally develops during puberty when sebum glands come to life but at the same time they can also appear during the middle age due to hormonal imbalance.
Aryanveda SPF 40 Sunscreen is specifically formulated with anti-photo aging actives to shield skin against powerful UVA/UVB rays which cause sunburn, cell damage, dryness, roughness. It makes sure that premature signs of aging such as age- spots, wrinkles, leathery skin do not set on your face.
Nectar of your skin shine, let your admirer drink it deep just like a wine. Aryanveda’s d’vine Kit is liquefied with the bliss of Nano technology, grapes, raspberry and other herbal actives that combat the skin irritants, control the itching sensation on skin and tighten the skin pores.
This Tanned Anti Facirness cream is enriched with natural ingredients. It acts promptly as an wrinkles-correcting agent,instant moisturising, tightening agent that moisturize and smoothes the signs of age. It provides instant natural fairness/brightening effect and has smoothing anti wrinkle
properties for both young and mature skin within 30 minutes of its application.
Diamond Kit packs a divine combination of ancient herbs and contemporary scientific inventions to impart a divine look to your skin. Time-proven properties of diamond particles enhance the glow of your skin while the presence of other natural & cosmetic repairs the damage caused to skin due to hectic life style. It makes skin re-hydrated and exude glow just like diamonds.