🤔What is "Vegan Supper Club" you ask? Apologies for not getting around to everyone last night to explain. We have taken a little gamble and decided to occasionally do something a little different and hope everyone is on board.
Basically if well excepted we will occasionally swap our vegan nights for a vegan supper club. Our first one is next month. It will be a set menu night. An entree and any main. We were mindful about the cost and have still tried to keep the night very affordable and inclusive for everyone. $30 includes entree, main and a $5 donation to Oz Harvest. Each guest speaker will choose their own charity.
Every supper club we will introduce brand new meals created by Fiona from Wholesome Bellies. She is in the mist of creating a brand new plant based cook book and you will be her guinea pig for the night. Every supper club we will have a guest speaker discussing everything vegan.
You will recieve the recipe to take home with you so you can create the dish in your own home.
We hope you will join us. Let us know your thoughts about the idea? As always bookings essential. ☎️ 3369 8500 or online www.arrivedercipizza.com/book-now
1 Park Road Milton Shop1, Brisbane, Queensland 4064, AUSTRALIA
Situated on the Euro influenced Park Road, Arrivederci Pizzeria is a dynamic family restaurant renowned for its Italian cuisine. Acclaimed for its spirited soccer fever, Arrivederci brings a sense of uniqueness More
When we first introduced vegan pizza 🍕 to Arrivederci, this was the original baby. Our Vegan Vegetarian. She's still one of our most popular pizza's for our large vegan Arrivederci community. Have you given her the honour of letting her rest in your tummy?🇮🇹😀
??Wholly shit balls! We have done it. The greatest vegan dessert we have ever done. And we are launching in 40 mins for our fully booked vegan night.??
Cinnamon Gnocchi served with Vegan Vanilla Gelato. $11 and if you don't like your first mouth full come and see us and we will eat it and give your money back.