APS Cosmetofood

    Nourish your skin with tasty formulas developed by Cosmetofood Provide your skin with the same pleasures given by food, that’s the Cosmetofood

    APS Cosmetofood

    Nourish your skin with tasty formulas developed by Cosmetofood Provide your skin with the same pleasures given by food, that’s the Cosmetofood
    Nourish your skin with tasty formulas developed by Cosmetofood Provide your skin with the same pleasures given by food, that’s the Cosmetofood
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    Added on 04 May 2017
    Blueberry Yogurt Mask
    A Blueberry yogurt is facial mask for tender skin, almost good enough to eat! All new APS Cosmetofood Blueberry Yogurt Mask increases the beauty of your skin and at the same time improves the glow on your face. It carries the natural goodness of yogurt which is for tightening and toning skin.

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