One thing that you need to keep in mind while you are launching the AOL mail through Verizon or vice versa, server settings hold a really important place. The incoming and outgoing server settings should be appropriate in order to sync both the emails. Whenever users are trying to launch one email from any other email service provider, what they forget is that IMAP settings are really crucial. Through this, they can retrieve the emails from the server. The messages that the users send to different clients and email recipients are stored in the server and every time, you check the inbox, the email client will relay the message to the server and this is how you get the messages. And, if you are thinking of moving from Verizon to AOL, then the first and foremost thing that you need to do is to set up and configure the IMAP settings in the Verizon net so that the emails can be restored. This blog will help you with all the necessary requirements. No matter, what software or application you are using, the server settings remain as it is and do not change. One thing that you need to take care of is that secure socket layer (SSL) is enabled, and the email address provided by you is complete and correct. In case, you need external technical help, then dialing aol tech support phone number is always an option available with you.
First look at the server settings details that you will be required to configure:
Incoming Server settings
Outgoing server settings
The steps that you need to follow to launch the AOL Verizon Login
After these steps, you will be able to successfully configure the AOL Verizon login. Ensure the server and port settings beforehand. In case, you require any kind of technical assistance, during any step then you can immediately contact the aol contact number, which stays reachable 24X7.
Read more – contact aol tech support number
Source URL: AOL Verizon login