Are you facing tough times when your AOL Desktop Gold Download Free fails to respond? If yes, then for sure you have ended up in the right place. Looking for solutions to come out successfully from this dilemma? The question must regularly be occurring in your mind that what steps to intake to resolve the error? Read this blog and get simple and easy steps to fix the trouble. Without wasting even a single minute, let’s move to the troubleshooting procedure. You must be aware of the fact that once you install AOL Gold software in your desktop and laptop, a desktop icon gets created. Every time you need to launch the software, you click on the icon. But if the icon fails to respond, then your software is infected by certain things. You can follow different methods given below and quickly resolve the error
Restart the system:
Check your network connection:
Do you know that using a weak internet connection can also become a reason behind this trouble? In order to resolve this snag, follow the given steps
Create a new user account:
Sometimes when the system is affected by malware or virus, it can also affect AOL software and cause issues. In this scenario, you can follow the given steps
If in any case, the necessary solutions do not work, then the user can move forward to trying the advanced solution. This includes
Now, if the advanced solution also doesn’t work, then the last measure that you can take is to How to Install AOL Gold Desktop in the system again. For that, you need to execute the same installation steps as earlier.
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