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    Added on 14 March 2020

    5 Ways to Prevent Your Ipad From Damaging

    14 March 2020

    iPad is used by mostly everyone in the world including the new born infants and big business professionals. so how can we prevent it from any kind of breakage or spoilage here are some basic ways in which you can protect your iPad from any kind of breakage or spoilage.

    1- Use a screen protector.

    The iPad is a touchscreen device so the screen is always in use, it is important to give it an extra layer of protection by a adding a screen guard or a tempered sticker on to your iPad which helps protect the iPad screen from any kind of scratches that can be caused by nails or even the stylus pen of you iPad. A screen guard can be stuck to your iPad on your own or you can take help from a service center that meets the standards of an Apple Authorized Service Center, Fixerman which is the highest rated service center mainly for iPad repair Dubai.

    2-Use a sturdy case

    Sometimes protecting the screen is not enough, go the extra mile and use a case that can protect the edges of the iPad and even the metal panel of the iPad as it is prone to falls and scratches. Apple has introduced a case in the market recently, a Smart Cover that automatically turns the iPad on when it's flipped using magnets. It can also fold back to prop the device up for better typing or viewing but it only protects the display and not the metal body. While purchasing a case you have to keep in mind to buy something that protects its metal body. If you want to get an iPad case that protects the it from all sides contact Fixerman, where your budget friendly needs for an iPad cover are met. Call us now!

    3-Protect your iPad from impact

    A screen guard and a heavy-duty case are not foolproof if your device is not kept safe from impact or danger. Many instances like placing you iPad in your suitcase while travelling poses a huge risk to that iPad if not cushioned well. There is a danger of a shattered display or bent body.

    In order to prevent this eventuality,remember to add an extra layer of cushion to your iPad so it’s safe during the journey.

    4- Keep your iPad away from liquids

    Water is essential for the human body but not for electronic devices. A water damaged iPad at times is irreparable causing you to lose your iPad data. The glass display and aluminum body saves the iPad by not allowing water to seep through in most cases, however, if water enters the charging deck, repairing the iPad will be impossible. Absorbing water from the iPad is imminent to the possibility of it working again. Placing it in a bag full of rice for 24-48 hours is a must or even keeping it a bag full of silicon gels does the trick.

    5- Minimize the use of high brightness

    It is normal for a device to die when it runs out of battery, but sometimes excessive use of high brightness can damage or shorten the life of the battery over time. Leaving the iPad on charge for a long period of time even after it reaches its sufficient level could damage the battery which will require a replacement eventually. So the poor performance of your iPad could simply be the over use of the device.

    Despite all these measures, if your iPad is still not working up to your satisfaction, visit the Fixerman studio for a free diagnosis today!

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