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    Added on 28 January 2020

    This Egyptian Method Can Improve Your Sleep. Read Now!

    28 January 2020

    Sleeping in summers is a real struggle. For people who have hot body temperature in general, it becomes all the more difficult to get a cool and comfortable sleep. Well! If you also find it strugglesome, you should try this Egyptian method to sleep. This method has worked for a lot of people and it might just work for you as well. The internet claims this to be a great way to beat the heat during sleep time. No rocket science and complicated process; you just need to use a damp towel or cloth. Let us first explain you bit by bit as to how it is done.

    The process

    You just need to buy a single mattress online first of all and then use a good cotton cloth or towel that can absorb water. What you need to do id take the towel to soak it in water and then spin it in the machine or just wring it with your hand if you can do it well or don’t have a machine. Now, you have to place a dry towel on the mattress and bedsheet and then use the damp towel as a blanket and cover yourself with it before you go to sleep. And this is it, you are all set.

    If you are curious to understand the science behind it, let us explain! The Egyptians like to call it as an alternative to the low energy alternative or the blasting of an AC. You might be wondering how. So, what happens is that the towel helps you keep your body temperature low. You can aslo use a table fan or so to increase the cooling sensation.

    The benefits

    So, the response that people gave when they tried this out is really different. People had different reactions to this. For people who love getting a little moisty feeling when they are asleep, this is a go-ahead. However, for people, who move a lot, this can feel like a punishment and can even ruin the single mattress you have. People can also find damp bed very uncomfortable. However, we suggest you try this method and then decide for yourself.

    A better moderation

    There are chances that you may not find the Egyptian method workable in today’s time. It was more of an ancient trick that used to work for people back then. However, now the mattress companies picked this up for the good. What they did is that they made cool mattresses. You can also buy single mattress online of this kind to keep you cool while not leaving any sort of moisture. Infact, this mattress will help you clear off the sweat and will also help in keeping your body dry. Whether there is sweat on the pillow or on the bedsheet or your skin, it has the ability to keep all of it in check.

    So, make sure you try this method or order a cool mattress and let us know your experience with them!

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