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    Added on 28 January 2020

    How can you maximize the benefits of the wall sit exercise?

    28 January 2020

    Wall sit exercise is considered to be the best compound workout provided you are looking forward to defining the shape of your thighs, hips, calves, and lower abs muscles.

    This form of exercise basically doesn’t exert any sort of pressure on your knees and lower back. It can be performed by anyone.

    However, you need to maintain the right form so as to make most of the benefits of this exercise, says a qualified personal trainer who has successfully completed fitness certification courses from a reputed institution.

    All you need to do is to gradually build up till the time you start doing around 20 minutes of wall sit exercises a day to make your calves, quads, hamstrings, glutes, and core muscles stronger and get those definition while losing the stubborn belly fat.

    Wall sit exercise helps you in developing the power of the glutes muscle. Being a fitness freak you must be aware of the fact that the glutes play a critical role in lower spine extension.

    Through this post, we shall be explaining in detail the right way of doing the wall sit exercise and how you can leverage its benefits.

    What all you need to have to perform the wall sit exercise?

    Let’s have a look at the list of things that you will require for performing the wall sit exercise in the right manner:

    • Comfortable gym clothes
    • Good Training shoes
    • A pair of dumbbells
    • A good Resistance band
    • A wall to perform the wall sit exercise

    Like any other form of exercise, you need to perform the wall sit exercise in the right manner while maintaining the right posture, says a qualified personal trainer who has successfully completed fitness certification courses from a reputed institution.

    So, here’s a step by step description that will help you understand the right manner of performing this exercise:

    • First and the foremost thing that you have to stand straight and then lean against the wall with your feet shoulder-distance apart.
    • After that, try to keep your feet firmly on the ground. This form will be your starting position.
    • Now, try to activate your abdominal muscles while shifting your feet a bit forward.
    • Next, you have to go down to the sitting position while leaning against the wall to maintain the balance.
    • While sliding down to the sitting position you need to ensure that your back is pressed against the wall. In this manner, you will be making a right angle.
    • Make certain your knees are right above the ankles and do not overpass them.
    • Pause for at least 20-30 seconds. Progressively, increase the pause time to 60 seconds.
    • After you complete the last rep, return to the starting position.
    • Make sure you do around 3 sets of 10 reps or followguidelines ofa qualified personal trainer who has successfully completed fitness certification courses from a reputed institution.

    Key takeaway

    So, perform this super effective and calories burner exercise that can help you define your multiple muscle groups at a time.

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