There are many reasons to see a cardiologist including a history of family heart disease, the sudden onset of cardiac symptoms, and/or changes in your health that may impact the health of your heart. Your A & G Urgent Care primary care physician will know if you should be in the care of a cardiologist. If you suddenly experience the signs and symptoms of a heart attack, call 911 immediately and without delay. Your follow up care will be with a cardiologist.
A & G Urgent Care wants you to know the most common reasons why people see a cardiologist:
Your physician recommends it: If your primary care physician says you should see a cardiologist, make an appointment right away. Taking care of your heart is one of the most important things you will ever do.
Family history of heart disease: If anyone in your family has heart disease, you should be aware of the symptoms. You should also be aware of the risk factors for heart disease so that you can control as many of them as possible- weight, high blood pressure, smoking, etc.
High blood pressure and high cholesterol: These two factors greatly increase the risk of heart disease. If your total cholesterol is 200 mg/dL or your physician tells you that your blood pressure is consistently high.