ALA Logistics

  • No. 204-4 Jinma Road, Jinpu New Area, Dalian, Liaoning, Chin
ALA logistics is metal products manufacturer and providing material handling and storage solutions for nearly 20 years, serving clients all around the world.
  • Metal Products Manufacturer
  • No. 204-4 Jinma Road, Jinpu New Area, Dalian, Liaoning, Chin


ALA logistics is metal products manufacturer and providing material handling and storage solutions for nearly 20 years, serving clients all around the world.


Our goal is to provide the maximum value for our customers, in design, pricing, lead time, communication, and post sales service. Our factory in Northern China keeps all manufacturing processes in house to save cost, and use raw material only from the large State Owned steel plants to ensure quality.

Marketplace Listings

Trusted Tire Racks Supplier

Are you searching for a reliable tire rack supplier? ALA Logistics offers long-lasting and reliable tire racks designed to optimize storage ...
2 weeks ago | 11 views
Are you searching for a reliable tire rack supplier? ALA Logistics offers long-lasting and reliable tire racks designed to optimize storage ...