How to Rightly Select your Optional Subject for UPSC Mains 2021?
“Which subject should I choose as my optional subject for UPSC?”-This is a question asked by all the soon-to-be IAS aspirants at the beginning of their UPSC preparation. It is important to know the right optional subject at the beginning of preparation because you have to prepare for prelims and mains together. Well, the choice isn’t that hard but can be tricky. We know you’re confused, but why do you have to ask this when you already know the answer within?
UPSC Results are out and we have our toppers for the UPSC CSE 2020 Exam. With all the sensation, UPSC is definitely one of the most prestigious exams all over India. Over 10 lakh people appeared for UPSC CSE 2020 and very few aspirants got through all three phases. For many among the aspirants, it has been a year-long journey of consistent efforts of planning, executing, and improvising... read more....
Want To Decode “Is UPSC Tough?” Consider 5 Deciding Factors
The Civil Service Recruitment Committee conducts a CSE annually to recruit potential civil servants. Many IAS candidates think about Is UPSC tough? or why UPSC is hard? What makes it difficult? However, there are some candidates of UPSC that surmise UPSC is tough. The article itself addresses the question “Is UPSC tough?”