The Complete Analysis of UPSC CSE Prelims 2021-Difficulty Level, Subject-Wise Questions & Cut-Off !
UPSC CSE PRELIMS 2021: The Union Public Service Commission conducted the Preliminary exam on 10th October 2021. The exam was earlier scheduled to be held on 29 June but got postponed due to the second wave of Covid-19 pandemic in the Country. For lakhs of IAS /IPS aspirants, it was the first stage towards entering the examination journey. Now, the aspirants have performed and tried their preparation and luck, let's see how was the UPSC CSE Prelims 2021 question paper.
UPSC CSE PRELIMS 2021: The Union Public Service Commission conducted the Preliminary exam on 10th October 2021. The exam was earlier scheduled to be held on 29 June but got postponed due to the second wave of Covid-19 pandemic in the Country. For lakhs of IAS /IPS aspirants, it was the first stage towards entering the examination journey. Now, the aspirants have performed and tried their preparation and luck, lets see how was the UPSC CSE Prelims 2021 question paper.....Read more.......
A Full-Time Job, UPSC All- India 35th Rank & a Success Story: Aparna Ramesh-The Achiever
It is not always easy or seems a good idea to prepare for any exam with a full-time job. In the case of UPSC CSE, it seems impossible or sometimes foolish to take a decision like this. Civil Services Examination is such a huge exam that demands strategy, planning, intelligence, patience along with hard work, and of course the focus. Focus is something that keeps you on track, as it is so tough to remain active and motivated throughout the harsh journey of the IAS exam.