To make accurate interpretation of person’s responses, evaluators need to consider the below discussed aspects such as:
Evaluators or you can say professional interpreters must understand what qualities they want for a candidate to interpret the test results. It is to note that no personality profile is intrinsically better or worse than any other. Rather qualities and skills required for the particular job is identified on the basis of traits required for the test. However, if an interpreter fails to analyze the need, they may face the risk of under or over-interpreting the data collected by the test.
In order to have accurate interpretation of test results, it’s necessary to take into account the human desire to be seen in favorable light. It is also known as social desirability phenomenon. Basically, this is an impulse which prompts candidates to select the answer they think shows them in the best light rather than the answer which reflects their personalities fully.
Evaluators should decide when choosing which test to administer and again when interpreting the outcome. It depends upon how they are constructed, some tests control the social desirability phenomenon and others measure it. When this phenomenon is measured in tests, it’s important to obtain scores before interpreting the test results.
It’s important that evaluators identify most pertinent scores. They should not place equal weight on all the pieces of information collected by a test. In fact, it’s the extreme scores that need to be studied because they illuminate the point which distinguish one profile from another.
For refining and validating candidate’s test results, evaluators should dive more deeply into their most striking traits during face-to-face interview. When the heightened score indicates like “poor stress management”, evaluators may ask for the concrete example of when the candidate remained calm even under pressure. They best way to ensure that you are interpreting the test results correctly is by using real-life examples.
When you need Pocket-Friendly Spanish Interpretation Services In Mumbai, always consider a reliable firm dealing with the same. Make sure that the evaluators over there use multiple sources of information for providing accurate interpretation services. They must consider references and personal interviews as it reduces the risk of over-interpretation besides providing a more coherent and holistic view of the candidate appeared for the test.
As a whole, I would personally suggest you to hire interpretation services from a credible firm like TridIndia Translation.