Acquaint Softtech Private Limited

  • 7838 Camino Cielo St, Highland, CA 92346
Acquaint Softtech Private Limited provides you skilled remote developers and manages them for you so that it brings your expense on the workforce to a fraction.
  • We develop website, web app, and mobile app at a low cost.
  • 7838 Camino Cielo St, Highland, CA 92346

Acquaint Softtech Private Limited

Acquaint Softtech Private Limited provides you skilled remote developers and manages them for you so that it brings your expense on the workforce to a fraction.
  • We develop website, web app, and mobile app at a low cost.
  • 7838 Camino Cielo St, Highland, CA 92346
Acquaint Softtech Private Limited provides you skilled remote developers and manages them for you so that it brings your expense on the workforce to a fraction.
  • We develop website, web app, and mobile app at a low cost.
  • 7838 Camino Cielo St, Highland, CA 92346
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Added on 01 October 2019

How To Choose Right Mobile App Development Platforms For Business App

01 October 2019

Smartphones are essential things to live a smart and easy life. The dependency on mobile phones is a reasonably huge number of mobile apps on the Internet. There is a specific app for every single task, even your corner coffee shop has an application. The popularity of mobile apps encourages every entrepreneur to craft application on a fresh idea.

Having a winsome doesn’t make any sense until it crafted perfectly. Creating a business application or transforming a profitable idea into a productive mobile application, planning is a must. The business app always needs to be well designed otherwise it causes a business to lose customers.

There are several steps in the mobile app development process where the app owner has to make a decision. The choice about app development platform, framework, tools, process flow, tools, and so on. To ease the process, this post includes queries like how to choose app development platforms for business application and app development tools.

Mobile App Development Platforms & Process

The mobile application is compatible with several platforms to follow the development process. The mobile app development process means steps and workflow while creating a mobile application. Generally, the app development platform is known for the set of tools used for designing, creating and maintaining any mobile application.

This is also known as MADP that is an acronym of the mobile app development platform. One more terminology named MEAP used for the mobile enterprise application platform. Mobile apps are widely used for organizing and maintaining enterprise tasks. The app development platform depends on the usability and need of the project.

There are several types of mobile app development platforms and process such as Native app, Cross-platform, and hybrid app development process. All are based on the diverse development process steps, thus, the app development platform similar in some parts of the mobile app development process.

Types of Mobile App Development Platform Process

Native App Platform

It is a traditional way of the app development process. As the name consist, it is a pure native app development process, that simply means app crafted solely for a single platform. In native app development, there are major two types of platforms: Android and iOS app development. In concise, it is a process to develop an app on a single platform.

Cross-Platform App

Phew! The best technology for app developers. The cross-platform app development process is the best option for any business app that demands deadline works. Cross-platform means the developer can reuse code for creating an application on another platform. It follows a tagline “Code Once & Used It Anywhere”.

There are several types in cross-platform app development such as React Native, Flutter, Xamarin, and so on. Flutter and React Native are open-source while Xamarin is a paid tool, that requires a license. Xamarin can reuse 90% of the code while React Native and Flutter are only reused 70% - 80% of the code.

Hybrid App Development Platform

As the name implies Hybrid app development is a process to craft some advanced form of application. The web app is a type of Hybrid app development platform. Progressive Web Apps seems like native apps and offers the same performance too. PWA is standing somewhere in the middle of native applications and websites. So Hybrid apps perform like native apps but their developing process similar to web development.

Developers can choose between RMAD (Rapid Mobile App Development) or codeless mobile app development according to the project needs. No code or low code tools are encouraged the agency to create applications by own. As we know, the codeless app builders are useful but not allow for much customization.

How To Choose App Development Platforms For Business App

There are several factors while choosing a mobile app development platform, depending on the application, business needs, development process, and customization of the application. The best app development platform should allow developers to build, test, debug, deploy and support throughout the app development process. Some factors are listed below. 

  • The business app should be crafted for branding purposes, so keep creating with Native.
  • If application demands for deadline than go with cross-platform app development.
  • If a business app requires complexity and bloated design than choose the custom app development process.
  • App development platforms are always revered to the project requirement, so keep the priority on the board.
  • A popular app always planning at the stage of selecting the right app development platform.
  • Cross-platform can reduce development time and cost, so it fits perfectly in the shoe of the business app.

Mobile App Development Tools And Third-Party Platforms

  • Appcelerator for cross-platform.
  • Cordova allows reusability for codes.
  • Sencha Touch for prototype design & develop.
  • Android Studio & CocaoPods for Native.
  • Adobe Air for hybrid application development.
  • Ionic for cross-platform app development.
  • SAP platform for Native & Hybrid application.
  • Intel XDK, IDE for creating cross-platform apps.

In A Nutshell

While wrapping this post, one thing is very much clear that mobile application development platforms rely on project demands and business needs. If an app development project requires deadlines works or wants to reduce the development cost, then cross-platform is favorite. The business app usually crafted for the brand identity, so the clean performance of Native app development is the best.

It’s tough to make a decision on the best platform, by following the above tips you can choose the apt one. Having a good app development partner helps app owners to always ahead of the competition. So make sure you are working with a renowned mobile app development company USA such as Acquaint SoftTech. That not only develop your dream app but also give suggestions for app marketing.

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