
  • 4760 S. Highland Dr. #322
Accurl, founded in 2009 brand from USA,was the first sheet metal working machines manufacturer in Chinese.
  • Premier Sheet Metal Fabrication Machinery | AccurlUSA
  • 4760 S. Highland Dr. #322

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  • 4760 S. Highland Dr. #322
    Salt Lake City, UT 84117, UNITED STATES


Accurl, founded in 2009 brand from USA,was the first sheet metal working machines manufacturer in Chinese.


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hydraulic shear
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The first production of Accurl was a manual sheet cutting machine. Nowadays Accurl is proudly offering a wide range of products in sheet metal working industry. Accurl with its annually 2000 machine production capacity in its 45.000 square meter area, is the biggest sheet metal working machine producer company worldwide.
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