Sage Mobile Payments is easily supported on iPhone, iPad, and Android. SMP accepts credit and debit card transactions anytime and anywhere. Sage mobile payment integrating with office accounting and ERP solutions.
List of Sage Mobile Payments Errors and Issues:-
Sage Payments App Unable to Login
Sage Mobile Payments or Mckesson Mobile Unable to Swipe Credit Cards Using iOS7
Sage Mobile Payments Decode Unexpected Error
Sage Mobile Payments Error GPS Turned Off
Turn ON location/GPS
Sage Mobile Payments Error Obtaining Merchant Account Data
Sage Mobile Payments Error Girl Scouts
Error code 1721 related to the windows installer package or .Net framework 3.5.1 is not installed successfully installed Sage 500 program. read more to fix issue...
Error 40960 is related to the database, you cannot connect to the database in the Sage 300 ERP program. An error occurred when the Data Source Name (DSN) used in the database setup points to an incorrect server.
You need to Configure the DSN correctly using the DataBase Server:-
● Open Data Sources (ODBC)
● After that, select the appropriate DSN
● Click on Configure option.
● Complete the configuration process
Error code 1921 during installing Sage software. Error message "service sage sdata service could not be stopped". The error occurs when installing Sage 50 program on an unsupported operating system read more...
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