As the name suggests, 'About her' is a platform for real and motivational stories for women and about women. It is a point of convergence for women everywhere to share their extraordinary life experiences, More
Makeup is an essential part of the modern woman. I, for one, feel that makeup is necessary to enhance one’s looks. One may have the best looks, but makeup helps them come through.
It is that time of the year when Christmas is around the corner, and we are all getting ready to set up our Christmas trees, bake cakes and enjoy the mulled wine.
The store goes back to 1969 when it was a 500 sq feet space. Now almost forty years later, it has grown to ten times the original space. But it continues to provide quality literature and a space for the local community to come together and share their love of books, words and knowledge.
According to some experts, #hairoiling goes beyond Ayurvedic practices and is used to maintain the health and vibrancy of the #hair. Given below are some of the #oilingbenefitsforhair.
The three things our lives depend on, namely Facebook, What’s App and Instagram, have abandoned us. A glitch that led to Facebook vanishing from the internet was the reason.