Aam Boli

    Largest database of English to Hindi Dictionary and Hindi to English Dictionary. A free online tool for searching English or Hindi words meaning and usage.
    • English Hindi Meaning Dictionary,shabdkosh,Translation
    Added on 17 February 2018
    Aamboli has the largest #English to #Hindi #Dictionary and #Hindi to #English #dictionary which provides you the opportunity to learn and build #vocabulary the meanings of the English #words in the Hindi #language. You can type any word in Hindi directly and find meaning in hindi english dictionary and also know the meaning of words in #English in Hindi with #synonyms #antonyms. Each word has clarity of usage under different #grammer style.



    aamboli is free Hindi to English Translation Tool. Its an online bi-lingual dictionary (Shabdkosh) that contains meanings for a large number of English and Hindi words. The meanings are present in the More
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