Royal Rehab LifeWorks Petersham

  • Rehab & Allied Health Services in Petersham
  • 275 Addison Rd, Petersham NSW 2049
  • Rehab & Allied Health Services in Petersham
  • 275 Addison Rd, Petersham NSW 2049
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  • 275 Addison Rd
    Petersham, NSW 2049, AUSTRALIA
8:00 am - 5:00 pm


occupational therapy rehab petersham
physiotherapy rehab petersham
exercise physiologist rehab petersham
hydrotherapy petersham


At Royal Rehab LifeWorks Petersham, our skilled team is experienced in a range of conditions including stroke, Parkinson's disease, multiple sclerosis, fractures, muscle tears, pain, deconditioning, and more. Working collaboratively within a multidisciplinary team, we ensure a comprehensive rehabilitation experience, tailored to achieve optimal outcomes for you.
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