
    Novaferrum manufactures a clinically proven and efficacious iron supplement that is gluten, lactose, sugar, & alcohol-free.
    • Liquid Iron Supplements for Whole Family
    Added on 01 October 2021
    Baby’s 7-12 months need 11mg of iron each day- whereas grown men only need 8.7mg! ⁣

    Babies and Toddlers need Iron to grow and thrive⁣
    Iron is so important to your child’s rapidly growing body and mind. That’s because Iron moves oxygen around your child’s body. Without enough Iron, your child may feel tired easily or have trouble playing and moving. Your child also needs enough Iron for thinking skills.⁣

    Once your baby starts eating solids start to offer lots of iron-rich foods such as iron-fortified cereals, beans, apricots, chickpeas, lentils- (These are plant-based options that have a lot of iron) ⁣

    If you are concerned your baby might not be getting enough iron to grow properly- please consult your child’s doctor. Iron deficiency is serious and can cause long-term developmental delays. Your doctor can help determine the best course of action.

    Buy Iron Supplements for Kids: https://www.novaferrum.com/collections/novaferrum-for-kids


    NovaFerrum produces and supplies a wide range of multivitamins and iron supplements for all age groups. Clinically tested and great tasting, the products are free of synthetic sweeteners and artificial More
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