Best Pediatric Surgeon in Gurgaon - Miracles Healthcare

Gurgaon - June 14, 2024, 1:06 pm


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When it comes to pediatric surgery, trust only the best for your child's health. Dr. Gaurav Mandhan, the leading pediatric surgeon in Gurgaon, combines expertise with compassion to provide top-notch surgical care for children. From minor procedures to complex surgeries, he ensures the utmost safety and comfort of every young patient. 

Our services include: 

1. Routine check-ups 

2. Vaccinations 

3. Developmental assessments and screenings 

4. Treatment for common childhood illnesses 

5. Congenital anomaly correction 

6. Pediatric trauma care 

Why Choose Us: 

1. Serving since 2002 

2. Board-certified pediatric surgeon 

3. State-of-the-art surgical facilities 

4. Individualized care and attention for each child 

5. Level 3 Neonatal Intensive Care Unit 

Contact us now to schedule a consultation and ensure the best surgical care for your child!

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Miracles Healthcare
Miracles Healthcare

The Best Hospital Chain for variety of treatment, surgery options & Online Consultations with specialist doctor in Gurgaon, Haryana, India.

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