When to Combine Pelvic Floor Physiotherapy with Other Treatments

Edmonton - June 12, 2024, 7:02 pm


Pelvic floor physiotherapy is a specialized treatment aimed at addressing various pelvic health issues. At Next Step Physiotherapy, we recognize the importance of integrating pelvic floor physiotherapy in Edmonton with other treatments to achieve comprehensive care and optimal outcomes. This article explores when and why combining pelvic floor physiotherapy with other treatments may be beneficial.

Understanding Pelvic Floor Dysfunction

Define pelvic floor dysfunction and common conditions treated:

Pelvic Floor Muscles: Muscles supporting pelvic organs, controlling bladder and bowel function, and contributing to sexual health.

Common Conditions: Urinary incontinence, pelvic organ prolapse, pelvic pain, and sexual dysfunction.

Comprehensive Assessment and Diagnosis

Discuss the importance of thorough assessment and diagnosis in pelvic floor physiotherapy:

Pelvic Floor Assessment: Evaluating muscle tone, strength, coordination, and presence of trigger points.

Contributing Factors: Identifying underlying causes such as childbirth, surgery, or chronic conditions.

Diagnostic Tools: Utilizing ultrasound, biofeedback, and pelvic floor muscle mapping for accurate diagnosis.

Role of Pelvic Floor Physiotherapy

Highlight the benefits and treatment approaches in pelvic floor physiotherapy:

Pelvic Floor Exercises: Strengthening exercises (kegel exercises) to improve muscle tone and function.

Manual Therapy: Techniques like myofascial release and soft tissue mobilization to release tension and improve mobility.

Education and Lifestyle Modifications: Providing guidance on bladder and bowel habits, posture, and ergonomic adjustments.

When to Combine with Other Treatments

Explore scenarios where combining pelvic floor physiotherapy with other treatments is beneficial:

Surgical Interventions: Preparing patients for pelvic surgeries and facilitating post-operative rehabilitation.

Medical Interventions: Integrating with medications or injections for pain management or pelvic floor muscle relaxation.

Psychological Support: Collaborating with psychologists or counselors to address psychological factors affecting pelvic health.

Nutritional Counseling: Incorporating diet modifications to support pelvic floor health and manage bowel function.

Multidisciplinary Approach to Care

Discuss the advantages of a multidisciplinary approach in pelvic floor rehabilitation:

Team Collaboration: Working with urologists, gynecologists, colorectal specialists, and other healthcare providers for comprehensive care.

Patient-Centered Care: Tailoring treatment plans to individual needs, goals, and preferences.

Improved Treatment Outcomes: Enhancing treatment efficacy, patient satisfaction, and long-term management of pelvic floor disorders.

Patient Education and Empowerment

Emphasize the role of patient education and empowerment in treatment success:

Educational Workshops: Providing workshops on pelvic health, anatomy, and self-care techniques.

Self-Management Strategies: Teaching patients self-assessment techniques and exercises for ongoing pelvic floor maintenance.

Supportive Resources: Offering educational materials, online resources, and support groups to enhance patient knowledge and engagement.


Summarize the benefits of integrating pelvic floor physiotherapy with other treatments to optimize pelvic health and quality of life. Encourage individuals experiencing pelvic floor issues to seek specialized care at Next Step Physiotherapy in Edmonton, where our experienced team provides comprehensive and personalized treatment plans to address their unique needs and promote long-term wellness. , (587) 853-0878

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