Hort Culture Pty Ltd

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  • 56 Powderworks Rd
    Narrabeen, NSW 2101, AUSTRALIA
7:00 am - 5:00 pm


Garden Maintenance
Lawn Care & Maintenance


HortCulture is based in the bustling city of Sydney, Australia, Every budding architects dream location. We are specialists in providing luscious glowing green gardens and unbridled garden maintenance on the north shore. We take pride and care in every aspect of what we do, from plant selection and where and how to plant them, which is all to often overlooked, to garden clean ups and maintenance which keep your garden looking like the quintessential garden of Eden. Our services our wide ranging and we endeavor to provide unwavering assistance throughout your gardening years.

We provide lawn care programs and weed control programs ensuring your garden looks luscious and healthy without the headache. A well kept lawn does wonders for the elegance of your garden. Seasonal fertilising and mulching is essential to an eye catching garden, by adding nutrients to the soil you guarantee good growth and brilliant colours. We all know an overgrown garden can be an eyesore, so here at HortCulture we provide unparalleled seasonal and general pruning as well as some of the most creative hedging and shaping on the North Shore and Northern Beaches of Sydney.

The importance of having your gardens looking neat and tidy before opening the house to the market is a crucial factor in getting the best return for your investment.Simple tasks like weeding. pruning, hedging, mulching and taming the lawns will make such a difference in the selling or renting process.Let the team at HortCulture come in and work there magic to ensure your garden enhances the sale of your property.
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