
Amepos Software
Posted on 14 July 2021 at 08:03AM
Thinking about How To Manage Your Restaurant Business So Easily?

AMEPOS Does it all for you with the game-changing business management software for restaurants. Integrate your online orders with the delivery agents. Manage your inventory and never run out of stock. Get accurate real-time data in sales, purchase with Amepos.
For more details, kindly visit: https://amepos.io/restaurant-amepos/

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Salonist Software
Posted on 10 October 2018 at 07:23AM
Appointment #Booking_Software is a portal, which allows clients to book or schedule their #appointments online and pay for relevant services.

Check out the list of Appointment Booking Software here👉https://bit.ly/2OhbNvV

#salonpossoftware #POSSoftware #beautypointofsale #managementsoftware #CRM #Salons #india Salonist