This channel was created for IZ to be able to share with the world the conclusions he makes. This is certainly a spiritual journey when you get down to the basics. Videos get uploaded often so you can subscribe on YouTube, visit my site and sign up to get emails from there with every video I upload, on twitter, google+ and many more including a Facebook page.
The ideas discussed here are spirituality, success, happiness, health, reviews of various things including books.
Uploading to this channel and saying out loud my thoughts is the only benefit I truly need or just want. Perhaps it’s a VLOG style as I just like to talk and not spend time video editing.
I will certainly be glad if you decide to benefit your life and do your own self-improvement. I like to follow the idea of being the change I want to see in the world.
Every day in every way I am getting better better and better. Always open to your thoughts so leave comments and likes.