Analytics, data science and big data industry in India is currently estimated to be $2.71 billion annually in revenues, growing at a healthy rate of 33.5% CAGR. Of the annual inflow to the analytics industry, almost 11% can be attributed to advanced analytics, predictive modeling, and data science.
To know about analytics and the different tools used in Analytics, join the session on Analytics with SAS and R-programing being the main topics of the discussion.
Date: 19th July 2018
Time: 10:00 am onwards
Contact us to reserve your slot for the session on 080 48147185 / 40942721 #analytics#demosession#SAS#Rprogramming#SASanalytics#trendsofanalytics#growth#bigdata#datascience#sankhyana#bangalore#HSRlayout#kammanahalli#bookyourslots